“All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination.”

- July 26, 1875 – June 6, 1961
- Born in Switzerland
- Psychiatrist and psychologist
- Founded analytical psychology and proposed the concepts of archetypes and the collective unconscious
“All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination.”
In this quote, Carl Jung emphasizes the essential role of imagination and creative fantasy in the development of human civilization. He argues that every artistic, scientific, or technological achievement begins as a product of human imagination, a vision or idea that allows individuals to transcend the limitations of the present and explore new possibilities. Jung’s view reflects his belief in the unconscious mind as a source of creative inspiration, where images and symbols can emerge that influence human culture and progress. By linking imagination to human creativity, he defends it as a vital, positive force in human life rather than something frivolous or disconnected from reality.
Historically, this idea of imagination as the root of human progress can be seen in the renaissance period, where artists, writers, and scientists like Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei merged imagination with their intellectual pursuits to bring about significant advancements. In modern times, this perspective is reflected in innovators such as Steve Jobs, whose creative imagination led to the development of groundbreaking technology. Jung’s defense of imagination challenges the often pragmatic, utilitarian view of progress, reminding us that many of humanity’s greatest achievements began with imaginative thought.
In today’s world, imagination remains crucial not only in the arts but also in problem-solving and innovation. The tech and entertainment industries, for example, rely heavily on creative fantasy to develop new products and immersive experiences. Jung’s quote encourages us to value and nurture imagination as a key aspect of human potential, suggesting that by embracing creative fantasy, we unlock the possibility for profound human achievement and transformation.