“Those who create are rare; those who cannot are numerous. Therefore, the latter are stronger.”

- August 19, 1883 – January 10, 1971
- Born in France
- Designer, businesswoman
- Founded the Chanel brand and advocated modern and simple fashion, especially popularizing the “Chanel suit” and “little black dress,” and contributing to the liberation of women.
“Those who create are rare; those who cannot are numerous. Therefore, the latter are stronger.”
In this thought-provoking quote, Coco Chanel reflects on the challenge and rarity of true creativity, suggesting that while the number of people capable of creating something truly original is small, those who lack the ability to create or innovate are far more common—and, in her view, they often wield more power. This statement speaks to the often intimidating and isolating nature of creativity, where the creative individual is not only tasked with the act of creation itself, but must also contend with the criticism, skepticism, and opposition of those who either do not understand or cannot replicate their creative vision. Chanel implies that, because there are fewer creators, the majority—those who lack the creative drive or ability—often possess a greater collective influence in society.
Chanel’s own career was a testament to this dynamic. As a self-made woman in a male-dominated world, she faced significant resistance and doubt throughout her life. Yet, she persisted in her creative vision, fundamentally altering the landscape of fashion and women’s lives. The rarity of her ability to create something as revolutionary as the little black dress or the Chanel suit was met with both admiration and, at times, disdain from those who felt threatened by her new approach to style. In this sense, Chanel understood that true creativity can be a source of both empowerment and vulnerability. The quote highlights that the strength of the majority, those who do not create, lies in their ability to exert influence through conformity, tradition, and the weight of collective opinion.
In today’s world, this quote resonates with the challenges faced by many creators—whether in art, music, technology, or business—who often face an uphill battle against a society that values status quo and consumerism over innovation. In many contexts, those who dare to think and act differently can be marginalized, while the majority, who follow established norms, hold more power and influence. Chanel’s words remind us that creating something new or challenging established norms requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to face the strength of the majority who may resist change. However, it also serves as a call to embrace the rarity and value of creative acts, understanding that the true strength of a creator is found not in the numbers who support them, but in the impact they have by daring to be different.