“When a nation is filled with strife, then do patriots flourish.”

Laozi quotes
  • 571 BC? – 470 BC?
  • Born in China
  • Philosopher
  • Founder of Taoism, author of the Tao Te Ching and systematized Taoist thought


“When a nation is filled with strife, then do patriots flourish.”


This quote from Laozi speaks to the complex relationship between conflict and leadership. It suggests that in times of social or national unrest, individuals who are deeply invested in the welfare of their nation—patriots—tend to rise to prominence. These patriots often flourish because they are seen as champions of order, justice, or change, taking action in response to the turmoil. Laozi’s words reflect the idea that crisis situations can give birth to great leaders who act to restore balance, or, in some cases, advocate for revolutionary changes that are needed to resolve the conflict.

In modern times, this principle can be observed in political or social movements where individuals, motivated by a sense of patriotism or duty, emerge as leaders during times of discontent. Whether in times of war, economic hardship, or political upheaval, the “patriots” who stand out are often those who act with a sense of purpose, taking bold actions that reflect their commitment to their country’s future. For example, figures like Nelson Mandela or Mahatma Gandhi became central during times of national strife, driven by the desire to bring about social justice and independence for their people.

This idea, however, also carries a warning. Strife is often accompanied by division and polarization, and while it can lead to the rise of noble patriots, it can also give way to extremist leaders who exploit the situation for their own gain. Laozi’s quote calls for an awareness that while times of conflict may highlight strong figures, they also require a careful balance between leadership for the greater good and the dangers of exploiting division. The challenge is ensuring that those who rise during turbulent times are truly aligned with the best interests of the nation and not merely using the chaos for personal gain.

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