“The spirit of democracy is not a mechanical thing to be adjusted by abolition of forms. It requires change of heart.”
- October 2, 1869 – January 30, 1948
- British Indian Empire
- Lawyer, religious leader, social activist, political leader
- As a leader of the Indian independence movement, he advocated non-violent resistance (Satyagraha) and contributed to India’s independence from Britain.
“The spirit of democracy is not a mechanical thing to be adjusted by abolition of forms. It requires change of heart.”
In this statement, Gandhi emphasizes that democracy is not simply a system or a set of rules that can be mechanically modified. Rather, it is a deep, internal transformation of individuals and society. He argues that true democracy is based on a spirit of cooperation, mutual respect, and compassion, which cannot be achieved merely by changing structures or formal institutions. Instead, democracy requires a change of heart, where people genuinely believe in and practice equality, justice, and human dignity.
Gandhi’s vision of democracy is grounded in non-violence and self-sacrifice, where individuals are not only governed by laws but are also driven by their own moral conscience. He implies that even if the mechanical forms of democracy (such as voting or legislative systems) are present, the true essence of democratic values will be missing if individuals do not embody the spirit of compassion and fairness in their hearts.
This quote is especially relevant today, as many societies focus on political procedures and institutions while neglecting the moral and ethical values that should drive those systems. It serves as a reminder that true democracy is not about outward forms, but about inner transformation—a change of heart—that fosters understanding, tolerance, and justice.