“Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant.”

- 470 BC – 399 BC
- Born in Athens, ancient Greece
- Philosopher
- Teacher of Plato, who contributed to the development of ethics and dialectics
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“Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant.”
This quote from Socrates offers valuable advice on the nature of friendships. It suggests that we should approach friendship with caution and discernment, carefully choosing those we allow into our inner circle. In this context, Socrates emphasizes the importance of understanding the character and values of others before committing to a deep relationship. Friendships should not be entered into hastily, as they require time and reflection to ensure that they are based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding. Once a friendship is formed, however, Socrates advises that we remain loyal and steadfast, supporting our friends through both good times and challenges.
Historically, Socrates lived in a time where relationships were often defined by social status, and friendships could be influenced by political or personal ambitions. For Socrates, true friendship went beyond superficial connections, requiring a bond founded on virtue and shared values. His method of engaging with others—through deep questioning and philosophical dialogue—meant that he valued friends who were intellectually and morally aligned. Once a true friendship was formed, he believed it should be nurtured with commitment and consistency.
In modern terms, this quote is especially relevant in an era where relationships can sometimes be fleeting, with many people moving quickly from one social connection to the next. Socrates’ advice encourages us to take the time to build authentic, meaningful friendships rather than rushing into bonds that may lack depth. Once we have committed to a friendship, we are reminded to be reliable, supportive, and consistent, especially when faced with challenges. True friendship, built on shared values and mutual trust, is not only a source of joy but also a pillar of strength in times of difficulty.