“If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.”

- 384 BC – 322 BC
- Originating from Macedonia in ancient Greece
- Philosopher and scientist, founder of the Lyceum academy
- A student of Plato, he constructed systematic knowledge in logic, biology, politics, ethics, etc., and had a major impact on the development of Western thought and science
“If liberty and equality, as is thought by some, are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.”
In this quote, Aristotle examines the relationship between liberty, equality, and democracy. He argues that true liberty and equality are best realized when all individuals have an equal opportunity to participate in governance. This means that in a democratic society, participation should not be restricted to a few privileged individuals but should be as inclusive as possible. The more inclusive the government, the more it reflects the ideals of equality and liberty, because all members of society would have a voice in shaping the laws and policies that govern them.
This concept is still highly relevant today in the context of democratic governance and political participation. Modern democratic ideals emphasize the equal participation of all citizens in political processes, whether through voting, holding office, or engaging in public discourse. A democracy that allows only a small segment of the population to wield power does not fully embody the principles of equality and freedom.
For example, universal suffrage, where every eligible citizen has the right to vote, is a modern manifestation of Aristotle’s idea. A society that limits voting rights or political participation to certain groups—based on wealth, race, or gender—fails to fully attain the democratic ideals of liberty and equality. Similarly, Aristotle’s view calls for more inclusive policies that ensure people from all backgrounds and walks of life have a voice in the governance of society. His thought encourages societies to strive for a fully participatory democracy, where everyone, regardless of their social or economic status, shares in the responsibility and opportunity to shape the direction of their community.