“The peasant must always be helped technically, economically, morally and culturally. The guerrilla fighter will be a sort of guiding angel who has fallen into the zone, helping the poor always and bothering the rich as little as possible in the first phases of the war.”

- June 14, 1928 – October 9, 1967
- Born in Argentina
- Revolutionary, doctor, writer, politician
- He led the Cuban Revolution to success and is known as an international symbol of anti-imperialistism.
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“The peasant must always be helped technically, economically, morally and culturally. The guerrilla fighter will be a sort of guiding angel who has fallen into the zone, helping the poor always and bothering the rich as little as possible in the first phases of the war.”
In this quote, Che Guevara outlines a comprehensive approach to revolution that combines practical assistance with ideological and moral guidance for rural populations. The first part of the quote underscores the idea that true revolutionary action must be rooted in the well-being of the peasant class, which he saw as the backbone of any revolutionary movement in Latin America. By stressing the need for peasants to be helped “technically, economically, morally and culturally,” Guevara highlights the importance of addressing not only the material needs of the people, such as food and healthcare, but also their intellectual empowerment and cultural development. For Guevara, the peasant’s role in revolution was not only as a passive supporter but as an active participant whose lives and communities must be uplifted to sustain the movement in the long term.
The second part of the quote focuses on the role of the guerrilla fighter as a figure of support and guidance, almost a benevolent presence in the rural zones. Guevara envisions the guerrilla as a protector and moral leader, offering practical help to the poor while minimizing conflict with the wealthy or elite, especially in the early stages of a revolutionary struggle. This approach is in line with Guevara’s belief that a revolution must have a strong popular base, one that is built on the trust and support of the peasants, who would be the primary source of resources, intelligence, and manpower for the revolutionaries. By focusing on helping the poor and avoiding unnecessary antagonism with the rich early on, Guevara sought to ensure that the guerrilla movement would grow organically, gaining strength through the people’s cooperation rather than through forced confrontation.
In the modern context, this quote speaks to the strategies of social movements and insurgencies that aim to build popular support from the grassroots up. It highlights the importance of addressing not just the immediate needs of marginalized communities but also of fostering long-term social change through empowerment and education. Whether in the context of poverty alleviation, environmental justice, or human rights, the principle that revolutionary movements must be rooted in service to the people remains relevant. Guevara’s vision reminds us that sustainable social change requires a balance between militant action and supportive, community-oriented work, ensuring that the masses are both empowered and motivated to participate in the struggle for justice.