“It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui.”

- June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968
- American
- Author, educator, human rights activist
- Although she lost her sight and hearing due to an illness in her childhood, she engaged in various social activities, such as supporting the visually and hearing impaired and promoting women’s rights.
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“It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui.”
In this quote, Helen Keller highlights the paradox of how much energy people often invest in fighting evil or negative forces, while neglecting the positive action of simply loving and supporting others. Keller suggests that if people focused their efforts on compassion, kindness, and love for their fellow humans, the negative forces—symbolized here by the devil—would lose their power. The devil, she implies, thrives on conflict, hatred, and division, but if love and understanding were prioritized, these negative forces would fade away, rendered dull by boredom and lack of attention. Keller’s message is that love is a far more powerful and effective tool for creating change than focusing on fighting evil.
Keller’s own life is a reflection of this philosophy. Throughout her career, she advocated for the rights of people with disabilities, and she emphasized the importance of love and empathy in overcoming social injustices. Instead of focusing on the negativity and obstacles presented by her own challenges as a deaf-blind person, Keller chose to use her energy to promote a positive, inclusive vision of society, encouraging people to see beyond their differences and work together. Her approach shows that focusing on love, rather than fighting negativity, leads to a far more productive and fulfilling life.
In today’s context, Keller’s quote serves as a reminder that positive action—such as showing kindness, promoting understanding, and loving others—can be a far more effective way to bring about change than spending time and energy fighting perceived enemies or negative forces. Whether addressing issues of social justice, personal conflict, or global challenges, Keller’s words remind us that love and compassion have the power to transcend hate and division, creating a world where the forces of negativity and hatred ultimately fade into irrelevance.