“No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nature and education.”

- 427 BC – 347 BC
- Born in Athens, ancient Greece
- Philosopher, scholar, founder of the Academy
- A student of Socrates, his works include “The Republic” and “The Symposium,” and he had a major influence on Western philosophy with his ideas and philosopher-rulership.
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“No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nature and education.”
In this quote, Plato stresses the immense responsibility that comes with parenthood and the education of children. He asserts that having children is not just about the act of reproduction but about committing to the lifelong task of guiding their moral and intellectual development. Parenthood, in Plato’s view, involves an ongoing dedication to ensuring that children are nurtured and educated properly, not just in their early years, but throughout their entire upbringing. The notion of perseverance here underscores that the responsibility of raising a child extends beyond infancy and adolescence, requiring continuous attention, support, and guidance as the child matures.
Plato believed that the education of the youth was fundamental to the creation of a just society, which is why he placed such importance on the role of parents in ensuring their children’s moral and intellectual growth. In *The Republic*, Plato advocates for a system where the state plays a role in education, but he also acknowledges that it is the primary responsibility of parents to be involved in their children’s development. A parent who is unwilling to make the necessary commitment to their child’s well-being, education, and character development, Plato suggests, should reconsider bringing children into the world.
In modern terms, this quote emphasizes the importance of active and responsible parenting, acknowledging that raising a child requires commitment, effort, and sacrifice. It highlights the importance of education, both formal and moral, in shaping the next generation, and it calls on parents to take an active role in their children’s growth and development, rather than leaving them to chance or external institutions. Plato’s quote serves as a reminder that bringing a child into the world is a serious commitment, requiring thoughtful engagement, perseverance, and the prioritization of the child’s long-term well-being.