“The most important part of education is proper training in the nursery.”

Plato quotes
  • 427 BC – 347 BC
  • Born in Athens, ancient Greece
  • Philosopher, scholar, founder of the Academy
  • A student of Socrates, his works include “The Republic” and “The Symposium,” and he had a major influence on Western philosophy with his ideas and philosopher-rulership.


“The most important part of education is proper training in the nursery.”


In this quote, Plato emphasizes the foundational role of early childhood education in shaping an individual’s character and intellect. He suggests that the early years, particularly in the nursery, are critical for laying the groundwork for all future learning and moral development. The idea is that the values, behaviors, and attitudes instilled in young children during this stage have a profound impact on their capacity for reason, virtue, and overall growth. Plato saw education not just as the transmission of knowledge, but as the cultivation of moral and intellectual virtues from an early age.

Historically, this quote reflects the educational ideals of Ancient Greece, where philosophers like Plato recognized the importance of early training in shaping not only the mind but also the soul. In his ideal society, as described in *The Republic*, Plato advocated for a well-rounded education that began in childhood and was designed to prepare individuals for their roles in society, ensuring that they grew up to be just, wise, and virtuous. He believed that early childhood was the most formative period of life, and that proper nurturing and guidance during this time were essential for the well-being of the individual and the state.

In modern times, the significance of early childhood education is widely recognized. Research in child development has shown that the experiences children have in their early years have lasting effects on their cognitive, emotional, and social development. Whether through structured learning environments or nurturing home life, the experiences children have in their formative years contribute greatly to their success and well-being as adults. Plato’s insight into the importance of early education continues to be validated by contemporary studies in psychology and neuroscience, which highlight the profound impact of early experiences on lifelong learning and behavior.

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