“But Apple really beats to a different drummer. I used to say that Apple should be the Sony of this business, but in reality, I think Apple should be the Apple of this business.”

- February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011
- American
- Entrepreneur, businessman, industrial designer
- He brought to the world revolutionary products that combined technology and design at a high level, such as the personal computer Macintosh, iPhone, and iPad, and also revolutionized the music industry with the iPod, iTunes, and iTunes Store.
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“But Apple really beats to a different drummer. I used to say that Apple should be the Sony of this business, but in reality, I think Apple should be the Apple of this business.”
In this quote, Steve Jobs acknowledges that Apple doesn’t follow the traditional path of other companies in the tech industry. He reflects on his earlier belief that Apple should model itself after Sony, a company known for its consumer electronics innovations. However, Jobs recognizes that Apple’s true strength lies in its ability to define its own unique identity and approach, instead of imitating others. By saying Apple should be the Apple of this business, he emphasizes the importance of innovation, originality, and staying true to the company’s vision, rather than merely trying to replicate the success of others.
This mindset was fundamental to Apple’s success, as Jobs continuously pushed the company to think differently and innovate in ways that challenged the status quo. Apple’s products, from the Macintosh to the iPhone, were not just competitors to other products in the market; they were revolutionary advancements that redefined entire industries. Jobs’ refusal to conform to industry standards is what set Apple apart and made it a leader in design, user experience, and technology.
Today, Apple’s ability to define its own path continues to set the company apart from competitors. The idea that Apple “beats to a different drummer” serves as a reminder of the importance of original thinking and innovation in achieving success. Jobs’ quote encourages businesses and individuals to embrace their unique strengths and not be afraid to forge their own way, even if it means standing apart from industry norms.