“I think money is a wonderful thing because it enables you to do things. It enables you to invest in ideas that don’t have a short-term payback.”
- February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011
- American
- Entrepreneur, businessman, industrial designer
- He brought to the world revolutionary products that combined technology and design at a high level, such as the personal computer Macintosh, iPhone, and iPad, and also revolutionized the music industry with the iPod, iTunes, and iTunes Store.
“I think money is a wonderful thing because it enables you to do things. It enables you to invest in ideas that don’t have a short-term payback.”
In this quote, Steve Jobs acknowledges the importance of money as a tool that provides the freedom to invest in long-term ideas and innovative projects that may not yield immediate returns. He sees money as a means to an end, rather than the end itself. Jobs believed that true innovation often requires the patience to invest in ideas that might take years to develop or become profitable. The ability to take risks and invest in projects without expecting immediate financial payoff allows for the kind of bold experimentation and creative thinking that leads to game-changing products.
Jobs’ perspective on money aligns with his approach to building Apple. Apple’s success was not just about short-term profits but about long-term vision, such as creating products that would revolutionize industries—like the iPhone and MacBook—which often involved significant upfront investment and risk. This approach allowed Apple to focus on creating products that were not just commercially successful but also transformational.
Today, this quote reminds entrepreneurs and companies alike that capital is not only for generating profit but for funding innovative ideas that might take time to mature. It encourages taking a long-term view, investing in visionary projects, and fostering a culture of creativity and risk-taking—qualities that often lead to lasting impact and success in business and technology.