“By nature all men are equal in liberty, but not in other endowments.”

- 1225 – March 7, 1274
- Born in the Kingdom of Sicily (Italy)
- Theologian, philosopher
- A representative figure of scholasticism, who systematized the relationship between the doctrines of the Catholic Church and reason through his masterpiece, the Summa Theologica
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“By nature all men are equal in liberty, but not in other endowments.”
Thomas Aquinas emphasizes the concept of equality in liberty while acknowledging the natural differences in people’s abilities and endowments. He argues that all individuals are fundamentally equal when it comes to their freedom and inherent dignity as human beings. This means that everyone has an equal right to pursue their own purpose and make decisions about their lives, regardless of their social standing or abilities. However, Aquinas also acknowledges that people are not equal in every way—there are variations in talents, abilities, and opportunities that make each person unique.
This idea reflects Aquinas’s broader understanding of natural law, which asserts that all people have certain inherent rights and freedoms by virtue of being human. He recognized that equality in terms of dignity and liberty is a fundamental part of human nature, given by God. However, he was also realistic about the diversity of individual gifts and circumstances. People differ in their intellectual abilities, physical capacities, and even their opportunities in life, which affects what they can achieve. For Aquinas, these differences are part of the natural order, but they do not diminish the intrinsic value or liberty of any individual.
In the modern world, this quote speaks to the ongoing tension between equality and individual differences. Today, the idea that all people are equal in terms of rights and freedom is a foundational principle of human rights and democratic societies. At the same time, we recognize the diversity of talents, skills, and opportunities among individuals. Aquinas’s insight encourages us to balance the pursuit of equality with an appreciation for the unique qualities and contributions each person can make. It underscores the importance of ensuring that everyone has the freedom to live a meaningful life, while also recognizing and celebrating the diversity of human experiences and abilities.