“The knowledge of God is the cause of things. For the knowledge of God is to all creatures what the knowledge of the artificer is to things made by his art.”

- 1225 – March 7, 1274
- Born in the Kingdom of Sicily (Italy)
- Theologian, philosopher
- A representative figure of scholasticism, who systematized the relationship between the doctrines of the Catholic Church and reason through his masterpiece, the Summa Theologica
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“The knowledge of God is the cause of things. For the knowledge of God is to all creatures what the knowledge of the artificer is to things made by his art.”
In this quote, Thomas Aquinas explains that God’s knowledge is not only about observing creation but also actively causing it. He draws an analogy between God and an artificer (a skilled craftsman), suggesting that just as an artisan has the knowledge and intention that results in the creation of a piece of art, so too does God’s knowledge bring all things into existence. In this way, God’s knowledge is not passive; it is inherently creative and causal—everything that exists does so because it originates from the divine plan and wisdom of God.
Aquinas was a central figure in medieval scholastic philosophy, heavily influenced by Aristotle. He used Aristotelian logic to articulate Christian theology, bridging the gap between faith and reason. In this instance, Aquinas is addressing the nature of God’s omniscience and the idea of divine causation. To him, God’s knowledge is different from human understanding—it is active and creative. Just as a craftsman must first know what he is making before he can create it, God’s knowledge is the blueprint from which all of creation emerges. This idea was part of Aquinas’s broader theological framework, emphasizing that everything in the universe has an intentional, divine origin.
In modern times, this analogy can help illustrate how people view the relationship between knowledge, creation, and purpose. For those who believe in a divine power, it suggests that the world is not a random occurrence but is instead meaningfully crafted with purpose. This concept resonates with individuals who seek meaning in their lives, viewing existence as part of a larger, intentional design. Even for those who do not hold religious beliefs, the analogy of an artificer can be inspiring—it speaks to the idea of creative intention and purpose behind every action, reminding us that just as art is an expression of its creator, the world can be seen as the result of profound and deliberate design.